Great timing too, since the LOM class starts in only 2 days and I have a lot of prework to do before it starts.
In other news, I had a wonderful weekend. Arjan's cousin, Eefje, took me to see the NT theatre production of Terry Pratchett's "Nation" in the cinema on Saturday. We really enjoyed it and afterwards Arjan decided that we should take Eefje and her husband, Peter, out for dinner. We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant and had the wok buffet. Great food, lots of talking and laughing and just an overall great time!
After Arjan left for the airport yesterday morning I did what I always do after the animals are fed and the dogs are walked, which is grab a cup of coffee and head over to SSD to see what's been happening overnight and to my great surprise I had a PM from Misty Cato. She told me that the card I made for my MIL was chosen to be the Spotlight Layout on her blog and that I had received a $10 GC to her shop at SSD! How cool is that? So needless to say I did a little shopping yesterday morning and with SSD's great birthday sale I was able to get quite a bit of stuff. I spent a little more than the $10 but I'm thrilled my purchases. Here's a look at what I bought.

That's it for now...I'm off to deep clean the basement and then call the water company so they can come and replace the water meter.
I would love pscs4! Have fun scrappity scrap scrapping!
oooh, what a powerhorse! Have fun with it! :)
Please excuse my drool (CS4! NICE!) :P Awesome buys too, I'm actually in the middle of a LO with Sending All My Love right now!!
Have fun scrapping later!! :)
Lucky Fish!!! on CS4 and the GC. Enjoy it all, you've got some really nice things there
You lucky girl! Looks like you got some great Misty goodies!
Yay on getting your lappy back!
I just got CS4 loaded on my new pc... opened it (used to elements4)... got scared and went back to elements... LOL!!! Have to take the time to figure it out! Sweet Misty stuff!!! I think I'm going to have to go shop...
Love the goodies!
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