Wolfie’s Scraps and Things

03 February 2010

I HATE the "C" word!

Absolutely hate it!

I just got a call from my fiancé to tell me that his mom met with the surgeon today and that they have determined that she has a 6mm cancerous tumor in her large intestine. The good news is that it has not spread any further. She will begin radiation treatment and chemotherapy this week and in 3 months they will operate to remove the tumor. 3 months? Ok, so I don't know anything about cancer but that seems like an awful long time to just leave that in there, but I guess they are trying to shrink it down to a smaller size before they operate.

Why does bad shit happen to such good people? This woman is the epitome of goodness. I love and cherish her more than any mere words can say and I'm not ready for her to be gone so I will keep up the positive thoughts and put on a brave face and be there for her while she fights this thing. Theo, Arjan's dad, will be there for her every step of the way and they both have a positive outlook on this so that will definitely help.

I'll never forget the first time I met Bertha and Theo. When Arjan came to the US to get me in September of 2001 his parents were in Burma on vacation. They had no idea that I even existed much less that I was going to become a permanent fixture in Arjan's therefore their lives.

The first weekend they were home from vacation Arjan called to see if he could come up for a visit and did they mind if he brought someone along. That someone being me of course not to mention he wanted to take Nikita, my wolf hybrid, too. Being the people they are they naturally said it was fine.

So off we went for the 1.5 hour drive from Chaam to Heerhugoward. When we arrived they were of course a bit surprised, but they were the warmest, most welcoming people I have ever met. They accepted and welcomed me to the family with arms open wide and none of us have ever looked back.

I have never heard one single negative word towards myself from either of them and they would do anything for me just as I would for them. I have never had that in my life before I met Arjan and his parents and I hope not to lose it for many, many years to come.

So, I'm off to put on that brave face now and call my future MIL to wish her strength and let her know just how much I love and cherish her.


Lena said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your (future) MIL. I hate the "C" word, too :(

Chantal Miller said...

Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Wolfie it looks like and I are travelling imilar paths this year. Lots of hugs coming your way

Nettie B said...

oh. i don't have words for this - you and yours will be in my prayers.

Laura said...

Oh Wolfie! :( I hate that word as well. Your family will be in my t&ps

Jacinda said...

Sorry to hear about your MIL. I'm lucky in that my in-laws welcomed me with open arms too. Can't say enough good things about them either.